Kindred Spirits

"Marilla is a famous cook. She is trying to teach me to cook but I assure you, Diana, it is uphill work. There's so little scope for imagination in cookery. You just have to go by the rules. The last time I made a cake I forgot to put the flour in."

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

From the Mountains to the Sea

While I was in the mountains last week I had two conversations about the merits of Mountains vs. Ocean. When I was little I used to argue regularly about this issue with my best friend (she was from Oregon and I was from Montana). I think the last time we debated I ended the conversation by crowing, "The Bible says that in heaven there will no longer be any sea. Ha!" Aack - don't trust your interpretation of the Bible to a little girl with a point to prove. . .

While I love to visit the ocean, I have never wanted to live near it. It is so huge and so very restless. In and out, back and forth, rolling, rolling, rolling. Even a "calm sea" is never at peace - the tides are always pulling and pushing; there is always the roar of the waves. The mountains are huge too - they can be just as dangerous and unforgiving as the sea. But I can't count the times I have sat on a rock in the mountain woods on a sunny day and soaked in the peace and silence.

One of the ocean advocates last week argued that the motion and sound of the waves is soothing, and the restlessness I feel must come from my own heart. I don't know. I think it's probably a matter of familiarity breeding affection, like Amanda was talking about in her post below. I've always lived near the mountains; they bring me strength and peace. Others who have lived near the sea get the same from it. What about my fellow kindred spirits?

Amanda says...
Well, either way, I think it's a rather enjoyable debate to have - there's a lot of merits to both. ;-) I always liked oceans better overall, compared to say, the Beartooths (I know, that's heresy!) - they're not so big and cold and bare. But I'm not sure I'd really want to live by the ocean, maybe just within closer driving distance. And a couple weeks ago I decided mountains really are beautiful and awesome and all of that. We were staying in Red Lodge, and took a little ride to Roscoe for dinner. (I get what those bumper stickers mean now, by the way!) We drove through some the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen: green rolling hills/valleys with the blue mountains in the not-to-far distance.

I want to go there again sometime - anyone else up for a drive some Saturday??

Andrea says...
Great post, Melodee. It's a good question to raise. Growing up at the foot of the Crazies, I'm a little biased towards "my" rugged mountain range, but I also love and fear the vastnass unknown of the ocean. I love the peace and stillness of the mountains (like you pointed out), but I also love to feel the power of the rolling waves on a boat. But, my point of veiw has changed only in this last year. Hiking Crazy Peak last summer gave me a new fear of the mountains and scuba diving in the ocean made me fall in love with the sea. Hmm...

Amanda - I'm up for a drive ANYTIME. :)


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