Kindred Spirits

"Marilla is a famous cook. She is trying to teach me to cook but I assure you, Diana, it is uphill work. There's so little scope for imagination in cookery. You just have to go by the rules. The last time I made a cake I forgot to put the flour in."

Monday, May 02, 2005

Anna and Brooke - We Missed You!

Brooke I warn you - I have recruited your brother to help convince you to come to the next ball.

For some reason it took me a really long time to start enjoying myself this time, but once I did I had a great time. We had an especially fine Postie's Jig at the end, didn't we Andrea? Anyway, we really missed you, especially at dinner and at after-ball milkshakes. Oh well. We'll just have to go out for milkshakes with you sometime soon!

Brooke says...
Moo ha ha. It's on. You have several obstacles. One I will point out to you. You can't go to the ball if you don't have a dress. ; )
Melodee your concert was wonderful. I especially like the spunky german song, you'll have to translate it for me.

Andrea says...
Silly Brooke! I know an incredible seamstress that I could introduce you to! Actually, you may know her already - she has earned quite a reputation for her incredible ball gown creations. You call it obstacle, I call it speedbump. :)
Annie, even Matthew agreed - "It's just not the same with out all the Schaner girls!" I think we all had to kind of pull ourselves out a small bummed-out slump before we started enjoying ourselves. I attribute it to the missing dancers. :)

Melodee says:
Brooke, you could whip yourself up a dress in no time flat. It doesn't have to be a "production" like the one you just finished. Oh, and I'll find that German translation for you. (On a completely unrelated topic, I tagged you on TRP to play "if I were.")

Andrea, you're right. I'm sure that was part of the reason for our slow start. I know I was sure missing the girls.


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