Kindred Spirits

"Marilla is a famous cook. She is trying to teach me to cook but I assure you, Diana, it is uphill work. There's so little scope for imagination in cookery. You just have to go by the rules. The last time I made a cake I forgot to put the flour in."

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Sink Me!

Girls, I just found a great Scarlet Pimpernel site called Blakeney Manor. It has e-texts of every single Pimpernel book (though I kind of doubt any of them are as good as TSP.) It also has oodles of audio clips, including our dear Percy reciting his mahvelous poetry. It has history about the French Revolution, and, our favorite, the "Which Character are You" quiz. These are SO bogus (how do they tabulate the answers, anyway?) but still fun. Since you all know how utterly brilliant, witty, and beautiful I am, it will be no surprise to you that I am Marguerite! (hee hee) According to the quiz I have "caviar tastes." Oh, is that why I shop at Wal-mart!

This test brought to you by Blakeney Manor.

Find out:Which Scarlet Pimpernel character are you?

Amanda says...

What a riot! That's the funnest which-character-are-you quiz I've ever taken...although I did cheat a little and say that at a party I would be probably be losing money at the card tables. ;-) Some of these answers are just too good not to choose! It was so tempting to try to come out as Chauvelin. Thanks for posting that, Melodee.

And since you're all dying to find out what charming and delightful person I am:

This test brought to you by Blakeney Manor.
Andrea says...
Suh-weet! I came out as Percy. "You are a brave, heroic, and very clever Englishman with aphilanthropic streak. You are the leader of fashion in London,live in a very big house, have a very beautiful wife,and a lot of lolly. When you're not playing the social fop,you enjoy organizing and carrying out dash-cunning rescuesof poor little Frenchies from the scummy hands of the evil Revolutionary Government."
Um...I didn't realize that I have a very beautiful wife. Weird.
It also says that I hate mushy sentimentality, which is kinda true...
Great find, Melodee!!


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